me: *walks in a starbucks*
clerk: hello how can i hlep u
me: i want a starbucks
clerk: ok sure these are the different kinds of coff-
me: NO
me: I
me: WANT
me: A
me: THE


It has been a tradition for me and my friends to surprise one of us when their birthday is near. And the last person to celebrate her birthday this year is Erika 😛

It’s a real hard job to surprise this gal coz she’s got skills that she’d instantly know what we’re up to! She’s like Spiderman with a spidey sense for anything! haha!

So anyway, we still got the plan going ahead even if there were slim chances of us actually surprising her. We were to meet at the rendezvous point, our favorite, Starbucks ❤

Mae and Cha were the first to arrive after me, that is. 😉

We had our monthly exchange gifts, our barkada. 🙂 we set the date to the same day we were gonna surprise Erika so she’d come without really noticing anything. 😛

And we prepared a little something for her, too ❤

That’s the drawing I made. We each wrote a little something in it.

And with a little help of a certain someone, we believed we could pull it off!:P

This right here is Jim. He’s the one who helped us in the surprise! And he’s the only one who could get Erika’s name right!:))

Then Erika arrives and the plan would be in motion. *insert evil laugh here*

This be that gurrrrllll :)) ERIKA G!

But alas, without her knowing, she has foiled our plan because she used her second name to order rather than her usual “Erika” 😐

Jim was supposed to call out Erika’s order then give her that cake we reserved for her. But it was a busy day plus the name wasn’t expected. So even though it was a disaster that time, we still kind of pulled the surprise off :))

We still managed to surprise her with that drawing, though, I don’t really have the picture of her finding it inside the newspaper coz I took a video of it 😉

But here’s her before finding it, my camera was on photo mode this time. I forgot to turn it to video mode. So, my bad :))

So, to sum it up. We had a great day surprising our friend 😉 it’s a great feeling making someone happy 😉

And this is the picture of the culprits of surprising Erika G 😉



So I am here at Starbucks with my friend, DP, which you will see later 😉 I’m working on my design plate while he’s working for his thesis 😀

I love gong to Starbucks. Even though the coffee is really not for everyone. It’s just really nice. The ambiance, the feel, the cozy feeling, and the staff. Oh the staff 😉 haha! They are all good looking 😉 both genders! Seriously. HAHA.

What’s weird is that my stomach always reacts not so nice to coffee. But when it’s from Starbucks, it’s okay! Doesn’t even throw a fit! HAHA. So happy my stomach agrees with me 🙂

Just saying. 😉

Have a nice day everyone!;)