Notebook Craze!!!

So, second semester just started and of course I had to buy myself a notebook or two for school. Then my friend, Erika, had the coolest notebook of all time and I thought she bought it somewhere. Turns out, she customized her notebook with stickers she made. And I’m a jealous bitch so I wanted to do the same. Not as awesome as hers since I kinda made the stickers on sticker paper. Yes, I drew most of the stickers. I also used some old stickers that I bought some time ago since I really didn’t know what to do with them. Check my notebooks out XD

this here… idk why i drew this. just felt like it. im just wondering if anyone would be interested to buy this? HAHA if there’s no one. imma just put it in my notebook XD

now this here is a chibified version of my new girlcrush Kochira (aka K-Chi)

you will know why if you check this video out 😉