FOOD VENTURES: The Vegan Dinosaur


Fooooood! HAHA! What can I say? I really like eating. I tried out being a pescetarian and it’s been really rough. For some reason, healthier food is more expensive than regular food.

So, I came across this quaint little shop from walking around. I’ve been eyeing this since I saw pictures of this place and their food! 

Since this was my first time, I asked the waitress what the best seller is. And she suggested I’d try their new addition to the menu: Jackfruit Sliders. As weird as it sounds, I did order it. And in addition to that, I ordered a drink to go down with the sliders, it was so hard to choose since all of them sounded so good! But I went with the Vanilla Chocolate Smoothie, it had me at “natural, pure, unsweetened dark cocoa”. If you know me, you know how much I love dark chocolate 😀

Mind you, this place is all vegan! It makes me so happy to see a vegan shop here in Davao! Using up-cycled materials for their interior plus all-out vegan on their food! No dairy products used! Just food, the good old fashioned way but with a modern twist! Wait, why would I tell you when—– I can show you:


Seriously, how delicious can being healthy be? 🙂